Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's Do This!

I am so proud of us! We are taking the first step to a healthier, happier life for ourselves and hopefully our families! The couch is a comfortable place to be, and stepping out of your comfort zone can be the biggest step of all! I am so excited to embark on this journey with you and see what we can accomplish together!

Somebody I respect greatly shared this with me and I think that it's the most important thing I can share with you girls right now.

"There once was a caterpillar who did not know what she wanted to do with her life. She wandered aimlessly until she saw another caterpillar hanging upside down on a branch caught in some hairy substance. She said, "You seem to be in some trouble. Can I help you?" "No," said the hanging caterpillar, "I have to do this to become a butterfly."

"Butterfly? What is a butterfly?"

"It's what you are meant to be. It flies with beautiful wings and joins the earth to heaven. It drinks only nectar from flowers and carries seeds of love from one flower to another. Without butterflies the world would soon have few flowers"

The yellow caterpillar exclaimed, "It can't be true! How can I believe there's a butterfly inside me when all I see is a fuzzy worm? How does one become a butterfly?"

The hanging butterfly said, "You must want to fly so much you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."

Life offers so much! There is so much to do, see, feel, touch and especially be. Helen Keller said, "Either life is a daring, joyful adventure or life is nothing." Of course that kind of life requires giving up the comfortable mediocrity of being a caterpillar.

Throughout this journey I will be posting some ideas and tips that I come across and I hope you will all do the same and we can all find things that work for us and help us to become BEAUTIFUL butterflies!